江石溪、江都文化名流, 生于1870年,世居江都县仙女庙。早年行医,医术精湛。擅长诗文、书画、音乐,尤精箫笛、昆曲、山水画,曾参加扬州“冶春诗社(后社)”。1933年9月病故扬州,归葬于此。1994年7月,江都市政府正式建“江石溪纪念碑亭”一座,作为永久纪念。
Brief Introduction to Jiang Shi Xi Memorial Tablet Pavilion
Jiang Shi Xi, a celebrity in Jiangdu country, was born in 1870 in Fairy Maiden Temple in Jiangdu country. When he was young he was a doctor and has superb medical skill. He was also good at poem, painting and calligraphy, music, especially bamboo flute, traditional opera and landscape painting. He once to joined the famous “Ye Chun Poets Club” in Yangzhou. In sep.1933, Jiang Shi Xi was die of illness in Yangzhou and was buried here. In July.1994, the municipal government of Jiangdu city built a “Jiang Shi Xi Memorial Tablet Pavilion ”for a permanent souvenir.
江石溪纪念碑亭 | 2005年12月30日 |